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Entries from 2020-01-01 to 1 year

I want to run Visual Studio Code using only a browser, so I'm going to use Theia, a VSCode-like software, to build an environment where I can code and terminal in a browser.

I use multiple PCs and have Visual Studio Code (VSCode) installed on each PC. I often think that if VSCode could be used on a browser, it would be easier to use the same environment anytime without the need for setup. GitHub Codespaces is …

How to disable or change browser shortcut keys

I usually use Visual Studio Code (VSCode) to write programs, but I have recently been experimenting with an editor/development environment that runs in the browser, because I want to complete my work using only the browser and not VSCode. …

How to deal with the error "Not Found (404) the server could not find the requested resource" in the Kubernetes Dashboard.

When I try to log into the Kubernetes Dashboard. Not Found (404) the server could not find the requested resource and how to deal with the error. Reason Older Dashboards used "kube-system" for "namespace", but more recent Dashboards use "k…

The story of how I moved to WSL2 because Puppeteer stopped working at WSL1.

I have been using WSL1 and was thinking of using WSL2 sometime in the future when it becomes more stable, but now I have moved to WSL2 out of necessity. I'm going to write about the transition from WSL1 to WSL2 and the related Docker and X…

Change the TypeScript version of VSCode

When I create a TypeScript React app with create-react-app app-name --template typescript and try to edit it in VSCode, I get the following error message Cannot use JSX unless the '--jsx' flag is provided. ts(17004) error. I found out that…

Thoughts on using both Google Firebase and AWS Amplify

I had hoped to be able to create a quick SPA site on the spur of the moment, but I had given up on React because it is too big a job to create even a small site. However, I recently started touching Recoil for React, and with Recoil, React…

I'm starting to think that using CloudFormation from AWS CDK is the right way to go.

I previously tried to handwrite an AWS CloudFormation template and failed.... www.ekwbtblog.com What I learned at that time was that CloudFormation templates are not the kind that can be written by hand, but rather generated using some kin…

jq usage memo

Shell scripts use the jq command to retrieve data from JSON. I often forget how to use it, so here is a memo for my own use. Basic Basic operation "takes input from standard input, filters it, and outputs it to standard output." . represen…

Facebook's official React state management library Recoil could replace Redux

Redux is well-known for state management in React, and as a mass panderer, I am using Redux as usual. However, there are a few areas where I find it hard to use Redux. One is that there are many boiler plates anyway. Just adding or modifyi…

How to use Concurrent Mode of React with TypeScript

This is a note on how to try React's Concurrent Mode in TypeScript, which is not yet officially released at this time. Since type-related errors often occur, we have included a note on how to deal with them. install Create a TypeScript tem…

Memo on how to use SQLite with JavaScript

This is a memo on how to use SQLite with JavaScript. We did not elaborate too much, but focused on the minimum necessary functions. I will not go into the usage of SQLite itself, but please refer to this way (direction close to the speaker…

How to use "relative date" and "date range" at the same time in Tableau

PS Now there is another, better way, which is shown below. www.ekwbtblog.com To the UI for specifying the display range of time series graphs The default is to show the most recent X days, and you can specify any date in the calendar when …

Thoughts on switching from JavaScript to the Go language

Programs written in JavaScript (TypeScript) were rewritten in the Go language. I will write about the motivation and the results of the rewrite. Also, since this was my first time using the Go language, I will also write about what the Go …

Making Ajitama (seasoned eggs) at a ramen restaurant

My child loves the ajitama from the ramen shop and requested to have it at home. I bought several kinds of ajitama at the supermarket, but none of them satisfied me, either because they did not taste like ramen noodles in the first place, …

Using GCP to monitor goroutine leaks in the Go language as effortlessly as possible

Goroutine Leak The Go language is a fascinating language because it is so easy to create goroutines (like threads). However, since the goroutine is executed separately from the main flow, it was unnoticed when the goroutine process stopped…

How to notify Slack or email when an error occurs in a container with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

This is a way to notify external parties such as Slack or email when an error occurs in a program in GCP's Kubernetes (GKE). You do not have to implement your own error detection mechanism, only GCP settings can do this. How it works When …

How to execute JavaScript concurrently while specifying the number of concurrent executions

There are times when you have many tasks that you want to process in parallel, but executing all of them in parallel would be too heavy, so you want to specify the number of tasks to be executed concurrently. I am ashamed to admit that I d…

Docker's puppeteer suddenly stopped working.

I usually use puppeteer for web crawling and I use Docker to run puppeteer. I had to add a crawl item and when I modified the program and built and ran it on Docker, it did not work with the following error. /node_modules/puppeteer/.local-…

Memo on how to use stream in Node.js

When processing data, we tend to be lazy and read all the data into memory before processing it. This is not a problem when the data size is small, but when dealing with huge data, it consumes a lot of memory and takes a long time because …

Memo on how to use Tableau's LOD (Level of Detail)

Tableau is intuitive, and you can create graphs by dragging and dropping with the mouse. However, when trying to port Excel graphs to Tableau, sometimes it is not possible to create a graph properly using only mouse operations. Such graphs…

The book "Concurrency with the Go Language" made asynchronous processing fun.

I started with the Go language. When I learn something new, I like to read a book that gives me a one-stop, systematic overview. I read "Concurrency with Go Language" this time, and it was so good that I wrote my impressions here. Concurre…

Memo for using "time", the Go language's time calculation package

The Go language is often programmed by combining simple functions, and error checking occurs for each function, so the code in general tends to be long. Even when I want to do something small, I need to write code accordingly, but it is te…

Go Language Regular Expression and String Manipulation Memo

The Go language is often programmed by combining simple functions, and error checking occurs for each function, so the code in general tends to be long. Even when I want to do something small, I need to write code accordingly, but it is te…

Command memo for downloading a small file with SVN

I have a project that uses SVN and I may download the latest files from there. This is a minimal SVN command memo to be used when you just want a specified file, and you want to retrieve such a little file. svn installation sudo apt-get in…

Memo on how to read/write JSON in Go language

The Go language is often programmed by combining simple functions, and error checking occurs for each function, so the code in general tends to be long. Even when I want to do something small, I need to write code accordingly, but it is te…

Notes on how to read and write using file, IO, and stream in Go language

The Go language is often programmed by combining simple functions, and error checking occurs for each function, so the code in general tends to be long. Even when I want to do something small, I need to write code accordingly, but it is te…

AWS CLI configuration notes

It's been a while since I installed the AWS CLI. I see that it is now at version 2. Once you set it up, you don't have a chance to touch it and forget about it, so here is a memo on how to set it up for yourself. Basic Structure Set profil…

How to automatically change environment variables for each directory in Linux

The Docker Compose project name is the name of the directory where the docker-compose.yaml file is located. However, there are many cases where you may want to give a directory a different name. In such cases, you can specify the project n…

How to use local packages in Go language (Go Moludes)

I was writing a program in Golang and the program was getting long, so I decided to break it up into packages. configuration The directory structure is as follows. . |-- a | `-- a.go |-- b | `-- b.go `-- main.go procedure Square Needle Use…

Notes on what I got into with Go language (interface)

I started Golang. Golang, like C, has a simple syntax and data structure, but it also incorporates advanced concepts to increase productivity. And for that reason, Golang has some slightly tricky syntax. However, without knowing them, I ma…