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Entries from 2020-11-01 to 1 month

Change the TypeScript version of VSCode

When I create a TypeScript React app with create-react-app app-name --template typescript and try to edit it in VSCode, I get the following error message Cannot use JSX unless the '--jsx' flag is provided. ts(17004) error. I found out that…

Thoughts on using both Google Firebase and AWS Amplify

I had hoped to be able to create a quick SPA site on the spur of the moment, but I had given up on React because it is too big a job to create even a small site. However, I recently started touching Recoil for React, and with Recoil, React…

I'm starting to think that using CloudFormation from AWS CDK is the right way to go.

I previously tried to handwrite an AWS CloudFormation template and failed.... www.ekwbtblog.com What I learned at that time was that CloudFormation templates are not the kind that can be written by hand, but rather generated using some kin…

jq usage memo

Shell scripts use the jq command to retrieve data from JSON. I often forget how to use it, so here is a memo for my own use. Basic Basic operation "takes input from standard input, filters it, and outputs it to standard output." . represen…

Facebook's official React state management library Recoil could replace Redux

Redux is well-known for state management in React, and as a mass panderer, I am using Redux as usual. However, there are a few areas where I find it hard to use Redux. One is that there are many boiler plates anyway. Just adding or modifyi…

How to use Concurrent Mode of React with TypeScript

This is a note on how to try React's Concurrent Mode in TypeScript, which is not yet officially released at this time. Since type-related errors often occur, we have included a note on how to deal with them. install Create a TypeScript tem…